SOLD: $2,100.00 per ac
02/24/2022 - WOERZ AUCTION
AUCTION DATE: Thursday, 02/24/2022 at 6:00pm
AUCTION LOCATION: The Marion County Lake Hall, 1 Office Dr, Marion, KS 66861 SELLER: Family of the late Harold Woerz |
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: We have the privilege to represent the Woerz Family in the sale of this Marion Co half section. This diverse tract is located on the edge of the Flint Hills and offers you cropland, pasture and brome with an opportunity to break out some more tillable acres. The pasture could also be used to winter cattle with Martin Creek running through the northeast corner, and also offers you some recreational options. Come and see how this property can work for you! Please practice social distancing, wear a mask when needed and please stay home if you are not feeling well. Thanks!