10/26/2024 - ATHERTON LIVE AUCTION (Military PHOTOS)
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AUCTION DATE: Saturday, 10/26/2024 at 10:00am
(Jeep & Buggies will sell at 1pm - jeep will be sold via live auction with webcast bidding) AUCTION ADDRESS: 2827 Road M, Emporia, KS 66801 DIRECTIONS: From Emporia, go north on HWY-99 for 5.8 mi to the S-curve, go straight north onto Rd L for 3.0 mi to Rd 270, turn east and go 1.0 mi to Rd M, then north for 1.3 mi to the auction site on west side of the road. SELLER: The John G. Atherton Rev Trust AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Here is an auction you won’t want to miss. It is loaded with all kinds of unique collectibles and great woodworking tools. As you will see, John had a great eye for antiques and really enjoyed collecting buggies and spare parts. This is one of the largest collections of buggies and parts we have ever had. There is also some very collectible military memorabilia, including an original 1942 Jeep, some great collectible toys and much more. Plus, he had a full shop of woodworking tools. The Jeep and the buggies will sell at 1pm. We look forward to seeing you at the auction! |
VIDEOS - (Click on the following buttons for photos of this auction):